Sunday, November 15, 2009

Can you help this student with a short survey about taxes and fast food? Feel free to add additional comments

1. What is your age and state of residence (only)?

2. How often do you eat fast food? Why?

3. How often do you use the drive-thru to order your fast food and why?

4. How much automotive idle time do you estimate you use at the drive-thru?

5. How do you currently feel about environmental issues, and do you think the idle emissions from automobiles contribute emissions to the greenhouse effect, if you believe the greenhouse effect is a dilemma?

6. Is the drive-thru a major/minor convienence to your life and why?

7. Would you consider paying a nominal tax for use of the drive- thru each visit, if you knew the nominal tax would be used for state environmental iniatives?

8. Would you be willing to pay a $0.15 service tax for usage of the drive-thru, if the tax funded research for alternative fuel? Why, or why not?

9. What is the maximum amount you would consider for a drive-thru service tax?

10. How do you feel this might affect your lifestyle?

(Thank you from a very greatful student. :)

Can you help this student with a short survey about taxes and fast food? Feel free to add additional comments
1. 21 - florida

2. almost every day, probably 6 of 7

3. 6/10 because sometimes im on my lunch break and dont have time for anything else and sometimes i just want to take it and eat in the privacy of my own home in my jammies. and pretty much the only time i dont use the drive thru is when someones with me.

4. atleast 3 minutes each time - usually probably 5

5. im not all gung-ho about it to be honest. i feel like our cars DO contribute but im not convinced that by stopping use of the drive thru it will make any great improvement. i feel like private jets and mansions are more to blame for being harmful

6. wow, how should i feel by answering major? i mean, its not like we couldnt do without them but they are great to have so im gonna have to say major, especially since i eat out so much.

7. nominal being the key word. i feel like if the govt cared all that much about it to begin with they wouldnt have to create a new tax - they can use a few cents out of the next unearned raise theyll get to contribute. or i know, how bout instead of blowing trillions of dollars on the war, we use it for those purposes. OR instead of depleting my social security funds on luxuries for politicians - put some of it to good use.

8. 15 cents on the dollar or per transaction? on the dollar - NO WAY. and maaaaybe 15 cents per tansaction. because of my feelings (stated in the answer above) on the whole EXTRA taxes i think id stil have a problem with it.

9. 2 to 3 cents to be honest. thats probably the highest it could go without angering me and considering how much drive thrus are used - that could really add up. and there are people like me that go to drive thrus sometimes twice a day

10. what? the taxes? itd just be another thing for me to b*tch about the govt

God bless America though.

and good luck with your project! :o)
Reply:1) 58, WI

2) Several times per week

3) A few times per month if I work late

4) A couple of minutes

5) I am skeptical

6) Minor convenience

7) No

8) No. We are already over taxed and politicians waste it.

9) I would not use if a tax were added

10) I could adapt
Reply:1. 48, WI

2. 3-4x/wk - because after work (single mom) it's easier

3. 2-3x/wk - because I hate getting the kids dressed

4. 7 mins. - way too much

5. I'm moderate in environmental concerns, and I do believe idling at the drive-thrus contribute a lot

6. major vs. sitting inside see #3

7. No

8. NO! The restaurants already save money having drive-thru service vs. cleaning up tables/trays, etc. THEY should pay to have the privilege of serving drive-thru

9. $0

10. I think it wouldn't be fair - company should pay for the privilege
Reply:1. 39/NJ

2. 2x's a month. When I am traveling.

3. all the time, it is fast and easy.

4. 5 minutes

5. Global warming is a farce. It is nature. 1934 - 1940 was the hottest period in recent history as proved by NASA. I don't think emissions contribute. Flatulence from cows emit more so called greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than cars.

6. Major - It allows me to get home quicker to spend time with my family.

7. NO- I am tired of paying more liberal do-good-er taxes. My property taxes are already the highest in the nation. How about we cut some programs that are not working or programs that are silly. Follow this link and see a small piece of what we are spending money on. This is only $45 million in NJ there is much more.

8. NO - Cut pork barrel spending on moronic projects like spending $1 million dollars in Trenton NJ to preserve a historic SEWER, that is not used!

9. Zero

10. Time is our most precious commodity. Nothing you do can replace it. How I spend my time is up to me. If I live a fast lifestyle or my job requires me to travel then that is my business.

I appreciate the fact that you care about the environment. I do care but when you enter the real world and start paying taxes and mortgages you realize that your priorities change. Most students love to take on causes and that is great bit the reality is they have no idea. Winston Churchill had a great quote that you will find very relevant later on in life.."anyone who is in their 20's and not a liberal has no heart, anyone who is in their 30's and not a conservative has no brain." Focus on cutting the pork barrel spending so the American public does not have the financial burden of all these new taxes. Cut the pork and spend it on the environment.

Good Luck.
Reply:1. 36 State of Florida

2. Hardly ever-Once a month

3. Everytime usually

4. 30-75 seconds

5. I do not believe in the Greenhouse effect, and I believe that idle emissions are less than those emissions from traveling. I don't believe a study can be proven to show idle emissions do more harm than while a vehicle is moving. It is only because in big cities it is easier to do test on air quality because the air is thick with emissions, but a vehicle that moves, not idles, gives off more emissions.

6. Neither really, in fact the drive-thru tends to get the orders wrong more often than at the counter. Not convenient

7. No I would not

8. No I would not

9. $0.00

10. For me not much, cause it won't happen, and if it did the nominal monies that would eventually filter to the actual research wouldn't produce a thing to make the air quality better.

Like your survey and see where you are heading with this I think. It is a noble idea and you are thinking outside the box which is good. Don't give up on that. I feel though the likelihood of anything good coming out of this is just a good grade for you.
Reply:1. 57/ Florida

2. 3 to 4 times a week. Convenience of it and price.

3. Only 10% of the time. I mostly eat inside because I like to relax and enjoy my food.

4. 5 to 10 minuetes depending on the time of day.

5. Yes automobiles contribute to global warming along with factories with smokestacks.

6. Major if I'm in a hurry to get somewhere and am hungry.

7. yes

8. I would consider playing a service tax but I think $0.15 is too high. We need more alternative fuels thats for sure.

9. Considering the traffic I see going through drive -thru's these days, I think $0.05 would be sufficient each trip.

10. Would not affect my lifestyle any different.

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