Monday, May 24, 2010

SURVEY: What one word best describes you? - - Feel free to explain your answer.?



SURVEY: What one word best describes you? - - Feel free to explain your answer.?

I don't know what I am going to do next.

C. :)!!

I will stand by my friends thru thick and thin.
Reply:strong willed. When I know what I want in life I go for it until I get it. I will defend my values and beliefs to the end.

I have a weird sense of humor and see humor where others might not.
Reply:Compulsive. If I think about something, I have to do it or I'll drive myself nuts until I do... I've always been this way. Sometimes it's a good thing because I will always do what needs to be done. Other times I'll think, why did I get myself into this mess... So it's a good and bad thing. :)

What about you?

i dont understand how my boyfriend of a year and a half could have been so "in love" with me but yet cheating on me the whole time. either he is a very good actor or he just never really knew what he wanted and never really loved me.

because i'm a band geek.
Reply:peppy...I am such a prep, and im always jumpin up and down, and freaking out about everything, i don't know how 2 be quiet....thats a problem..and otherwords a natural-born obnoxios cheerleader

After 27 years of marriage I am about to file for divorce. I've been married a longer portion of my life than I've been single. It's not so much the being single that scares me it's the, can I manage financially, will he steal everything we've both worked so hard for, will he bully me into turning over everything just because I can't take the stress anymore? That pretty much is it in a nutshell.

used shoes

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